By default, some (and even many) Windows Power Plan settings are hidden to prevent a typical, unqualified user from being confused in a large number of incomprehensible items. For an advanced user, these setting items may be useful to fine-tune the system.

unhidepowersettings is a command (batch) file (script) that removes the "hidden" attribute (if any) from all registered Power Plan settings. After revealing hidden settings, their tuning is available for either standard or user-defined power plans.

Here is what it looks like in Windows 10, release 1809:

Before and after applying the script:

In different releases, particular settings may be hidden by default or not.

Power plan settings are stored in the following registry branch:


The subkeys are organized into groups and subgroups, as the appropriate items are shown in the "Power Option" window.

Take care of power plan type (245d8541-3943-4422-b025-13a784f679b7) that belongs to fake "sub_none" subgroup (fea3413e-7e05-4911-9a71-700331f1c294). It takes precedence over all other settings. If you inherit a power plan from, for example, standard "Balanced" one, and copy all explicit AC settings from "High Performance", you won't achieve highest possible performance on AC unless you change AC power plan type from 0 to 1.

Works in Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7/8/10.